is an open-source platform for delivering real-time news updates through IRC. It fetches news from RSS feeds and broadcasts them to dedicated channels.

Whether you're a journalist, researcher, or simply interested in staying informed, Brockman provides an efficient and flexible way to receive and share news in a community-driven environment.

Get started: connect

There are multiple ways to connect to the Brockman network, whether you prefer a web-based client or a desktop IRC client. Below, you'll find step-by-step guides for different connection methods. Choose the one that best fits your setup:

Connect Using WebIRC

Click here.

Connect Using WeeChat

Follow these simple steps to connect to the Brockman network using WeeChat:

/server add brockman -autoconnect

If you already have an account with NickServ, you can set up secure login using SASL PLAIN. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

/set irc.server.brockman.sasl_mechanism PLAIN
/set irc.server.brockman.sasl_username <login>
/set irc.server.brockman.sasl_password <password>

Finally, connect:

/connect brockman

Connect Using irssi

Follow these simple steps to connect to the Brockman network using irssi. If you already have an account with NickServ, you can set up SASL PLAIN login (optional):

/network add -sasl_username <login> -sasl_password <password> -sasl_mechanism PLAIN brockman

Then configure the server connection like this:

/server add -auto -net brockman 6667

Finally, connect:

/connect brockman

Connect Using HexChat

Work in progress.

How to use Brockman

If you want to see messages from all RSS feeds tracked by Brockman, join the main news channel:

/join #all

If you're interested in updates from a particular website, you can subscribe to its bot:

/msg <botname> subscribe

To unsubscribe from a feed:

/msg <botname> unsubscribe

If you want to learn more about a bot (such as which RSS feeds it tracks), ask it for details:

/msg <botname> info

You can create a custom channel to curate a specific selection of RSS feeds:

/join #my-newsroom

If you're logged in via SASL, you can register your channel so that it belongs to you:

/msg ChanServ register #my-newsroom

Once your newsroom is set up, you can invite specific RSS news bots to post updates in your channel:

/invite <botname> <anotherbotname>

If you want to get rid of a bot, kick it:

/kick <botname>

Tracking a New RSS Feed

If you want to track a new RSS feed and have it post in an IRC channel, you can add it using the controller bot brockman.

Step 1: Choose a Bot Name Each RSS feed is assigned to a bot that posts updates. Pick a unique name for your bot (e.g., westernregionalnews or masto_someprofile).

Step 2: Add the RSS Feed To add a new RSS feed, message the brockman bot with the following command:

/msg brockman add <botname> <rss-url>


/msg brockman add example_com

A new bot named example_com will automatically join #all and begin reporting new feed entries there. If you also want its messages posted to your personal newsroom, invite the new bot like this:

/invite example_com #my-newsroom

Learn more

Open Source

Brockman is fully open-source, meaning anyone can inspect the code, contribute improvements, or even host their own instance. Below are the key components that make up the Brockman ecosystem:

Want to Contribute?

Brockman is a community-driven project, and we welcome contributions of all kinds! Whether you're a developer, sysadmin, or just interested in helping expand the network, there's a place for you in the Brockman community.

If you'd like to get involved, check out the GitHub repositories linked above, join our IRC channels, or open an issue with your ideas. Every contribution helps make Brockman better!